Andrew Carnegie updates
Literary Edinburgh
Bonnie Scotland.
Athens of the North - Calton Hill Edinburgh
Johnny Cash visits Falkland
Visit nearby:-
Charles Rennie Mackintosh - Glasgow School of Art
Andrew Carnegie - Dunfermline Birth place and Pittencrief Park
John Muir - Country Park
John Logie Baird
Adam Smith
Sir Walter Scot - Scot monument Princes Street Edinburgh
Robert Louis Stevenson
JM. Barrie (Peter Pan) - Kirremuir
Forth Road Bridge
Hills and Glens
Castles and palaces - Edinburgh and Stirling castle. Linlithgow and Falkland palace.

Higland dancing
Highland games
Famous Scots food and drink:-
Clutie Dumpling
Porridge oats
WhiskyLiterary EdinburghLiterary Edinburgh
Films using Scottish locations:-
The Good Lands - Fife Miners- behind scenes
Good - lands local cast
Local Hero
Sky Walker
Film locations - Visit Scotland full list